Sunday, March 20, 2011

belly dance

From 40 to 50 years old I was a tribal bellydancer. This was a wonderful time in my life, all the color and noise that is dance...
Now I find myself ready to let my treasured jewelry go on to another dancer...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dress shoppe whore

Once after 20 years of parenting at home, i got a divorce, and a job!
Finding a job after 20 years was daunting, but i scored one at Chicos, a higher end ladies dress shop.
I was 40 something years old, and called "my girl" by my wonderfully dressed and coiffed ladies.
I called myself a "dress shop whore", as i felt like i would almost do anything to make that goal in sales we were required to present at the end of the month.
I bought these 2 watches, as well as an astounding number of outfits and accessories...
 but that's another story...

The tale of Nik Naks Paddy Waks

Faced with an abundance of incredible vintage stuff and clothing, we decided to open a little store and find new homes for our wonderful collections.
Ta Da!! welcome!!
It is an exciting venture for us do together...
Our wonderful things have turned our house into a curio shoppe, and all of these treasures have great stories behind them...